Thursday, November 3, 2011

Corking it all up.

Picture some wine in your head, viscous, flowing, red, tasteful liquid swirling and bubbling about without any restrictions whatsoever. Now bottle all this wine up. As you do so, I want you to imagine the teeny-weeny wine molecules being held back by the cold unforgiving glass walls of the bottle. They hunger to be tasted, they cry for their flavour to be savoured. Yet, the only thing that stands in the way of their salvation is a cork.

Next, I want you to compare your wonderful metaphor to a person. Make any sense?

In a world where prejudice and assumptions are second nature, it's not surprising that we tend to bottle ourselves up sometimes, where the meaningful wine of our colorful emotion stays locked up inside the bottle of our hearts. And when you cram too much wine in a bottle, it will eventually burst out and spill all over. And what's why people lose it and start murdering innoncent penguins.

Now, I'm not saying that wine shouldn't be bottled up. Wine definitely tastes better when left to ferment on a shelf for ages. Unfortunately, I most certainly cannot say the same for the dynamic feelings of us humans. After all, we are social beings, longing for the attention and understanding of others. For far too many times, I've seen people missed precious oppurtunities and lived to regret it afterwards. It's because they hold themselves back, because they're afraid of popping that cork.

" Are you one of them?"

"I never tried my best to express how I really felt,
and now that I know exactly what I want, you find somebody else"
I Can't Lie, Adam Levine, Maroon 5

Adam couldn't put it any better. He depicts the situation where he held back against his lover, where he didn't say the words he wanted to say, where he didn't do what he wanted to do. Not until it was too late of course. I feel like that too sometimes, where I regret in not grabbing the chance while it was still there. But I realized something, that worrying about the past will bear no yields. In fact, it'll stop you from taking that step forward. So, for all the aspiring souls out there reading this:

"Pop that cork"

Let the lovely and flavourful wine of your heart flow free, where the world can taste it and feel jealous.

Although, I must say, wine does make me do stupid things.

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