Monday, November 14, 2011

Sides of the story.

"Bzzzzz.....!!!" My phone vibrated against the surface of my table. Even with my headphones on, I could feel the vibrations revetebrating against towards my forearm. Thinking it was another daily service message, I peeled my fingers off the computer keyboard to check it. The words sounded distressed, uneasy, just plain troubled. She needed help, it was apparent through the words of her message that it was a relationship problem. I thought :

"Oh God, what did Bxxxn do this time?"

Although I hate jumping to conclusions, I knew that something big was going down, Bxxxn must've done something really bad, I thought. So she gave me a call, and let me hear her side of the story. The story of how she claims that Bxxxn has been lying to her and covering up with excuses that he's in hospital. It sounded bad. I hate cussing you man, but the way she told it, you sounded like someone i'd bitchslap and piss on his bed.

Refusing to close my perspective at that, I listened to my brothers' side of the story intently over the phone. His side on the matter was a complete 360' from what I heard beforehand from his girlfriend. A sweet story of how he tended the wounds of his sick grandmother and how he juggled his illness on the matter. From the looks of it, I could tell that he wasn't lying either. So, who told the truth? Which side of the story is believable?

I believe that there are no wrongs and rights in this situation, just plain misunderstanding and misintepretation. A lack of communication which lead to the wrong assumptions from both parties. I tried to find the truth in both stories, made an effort to patch this wound, the silver lining which would settle the situation peacefully. Needless to say, I couldn't find any common ground. Guess it's safe to say that when you 'love' someone, stories just seem a little bit brighter, and when you don't, even the brightest story told may seem gloomy.

I pondered for a moment on what I could salvage from wreckage, how I could make the situation. I tried to bind both the stories together and call it all a misunderstanding. Even so, my efforts on the salvation of this relationship remains futile. And truthfully, I think it will. With that said, the best I could do was just be there for my pal during his time of need.

Believe me, I understand what you're going through. That sense of emptiness that comes when something so meaningful to you has been taken away. That feeling of regret that you get from the mistakes that you made that could have lead to this dire situation. The doubts you have when you're lost in an open sea, not knowing where to go next. Let it be known that I speak for the both of you pretty people that your life isn't over, oh no, in fact, it's only begun (:


chelseaorange said...

When did your writing get so good?

Great work. But don't your friends mind you talking about their love lives online?

Oliver Leonard said...

He did not expose anything too detailed or personal, and in fact Marcus is a good listener and he played well the role of a friend to both of them.

Btw Marcus, your choice of words are great and I too, never knew you were such a good writer/blogger. Keep it up ! :P

- Leo

Unknown said...

Aimee- The irony of your point is that I wrote that post at his place. He's fully aware of it. All permission granted.

Oliver- Hey thanks man, you keep it up with your blog too!