Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coming up short.

It isn't the pill of defeat that I find hard to swallow. Defeat is an essential part to bigger things, a stepping stone towards victory and success. Defeat gives us the chance to reevaluate our actions and tweak on our attitudes to improve. I'm not a sore loser, I know that winning isn't everything and that failure isn't final. No..... it's a feeling I can't quiet bring myself to explain at first. After an afternoon of pondering and questioning, I finally sniffed out the root of all those negative thoughts.

Losing my opportunity.
I couldn't care less for the glamor of winning or the proud faces I could make that comes with winning. No, I was feeling all negative about it because I had lost a good opportunity, no, a great one in fact. If I had qualified, I could have gone for a wonderful trip destination- Langkawi to bring my athletic prowess to the next level, a level that I've been yearning for. If only I had pumped that last leg of the race, if only i had pushed myself a little more, if only I had been defiant when that runner took my from behind. Oh gosh, when can I replace all these 'if's' with reality?    

I'm usually an optimistic person, always looking on the bright side of things, drawing positives from the negatives and striding towards difficulty with a goofy smile on my face. But today, that side of me has been given a pretty good beating. Not only had I let my coach down, I've let myself down too. That's the flipside when it comes to setting goals, and motivating yourself with them. When they don't turn out, you'll take a punch straight in the ambitious side of your brain. A punch that'll warn you not to step up again and stay down where you are.

And it pains me even further when I see quite a number of my friends qualify for the race. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely feel happy for them and their achievements, they've made our school proud. But their victory begs the question in my conscious that constantly asks :" When are you going to be like them? When are you gonna do something amazing?" A very demoralizing question indeed, but it's still there, and I can't ignore the reality of it. I hate sitting at home, goofing around while they have the time of their lives, time I could be spending as well.

I love running, it bonds me with my skinny legs, the wind in your face, the asphalt and dirt beneath your feet, the feeling that I derive from it is just amazing. I don't plan on slowing down or giving up, but maybe it's time I analyzed this from a different angle. Even the brightest stars run out of gas sometime in their lives, I feel outta steam right now, loss for enthusiasm. Some time to recuperate my sensse will do me good.


Amelia said...

In the end, it's the remorse that etched in our heart that brings us forth ((: Goodluck marcus

Unknown said...

I know, it's how we all improve, just felt kinda moody, so I wrote it out xp