Friday, January 6, 2012

Up high in the Highlands ( part 3 )

It was an unpleasant experience to say the least. The biting cold that bit us every morning while we ran down the slopes of Cameron's. The aches and sores that inevitably came with such rigorous training. The heavy eyebags and drastic lack of sleep that made all our tasks that much more daunting. All these took a heavy toll on all of us, I could feel it rippling amongst us, that wave of negative energy that comes with hard training.

Our thresholds were being tested.

But something kept us going on. At first, I couldn't quiet put my tongue on it, it was surreal, like an ingredient you couldn't identify in a delicious dish. There was this... magic ingredient that kept us going on, that kept us fighting, even when all those gruelling workouts and injuries took a heavy toll on our spirits. It truly baffled me to see the pure determination and guts that some of us had. It was as if nothing could stop the momentum of our team, not cold, not wind, not rain, not pain.

As the days treaded on, I slowly what that magical invisible ingredient was. That magical ingredient that held all of us together, when everything else wants us to crumble and fall down right where we stand. It was him, I was certain of it. It was him that united each and everyone of us with his strength and reassurance. He made everything so much more bearable for us, in fact, training up in the Highlands felt easy when he was with us.

It was Sir.

Every night, he'd sit us down and hold a meeting with us. It was a small room, barely enough to hold all of us in. We had to sit cross-legged on the ground and shuffle around with the people next to us. Normally, I'd consider this torturing, but through some mystical arcane magic, Sir was able to grab so much of my attention and focusing it on bigger things that all these petty things didn't seem to matter at all. He gave us all something to focus on, something to look forward to, something to be happy about.

Even after weeks after coming back from the Highlands, I can still feel his influence on all of us. His reassuring tone and witty jokes would make everything so much better, even when everything else feels wrong. For a very rare moment in my life, I'm lost for words, lost for words to describe this man. To describe his determination and passion for us would be an understatement to his abilities if I said it here.

And so, a sum up my adventures of those 12 days up in those highlands:
1. Ran around a field under blistering cold winds and light drizzles.
2. Taking cold showers every morning.
3. Enjoying cheap and delicious food.
4. Discovered a family outside my own :D

Cheers, everyone!

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