Saturday, August 3, 2013

Much to see.

  I'm sitting there at the passenger side of the car, my temples layed heavily on the window, smearing it with my oily-ass face. My gaze was lazy as I watched traffic and buildings pass by. Damn, this was boring. I thought I've seen all there is to see. Nothing left to explore. No spark. In a lot of ways, I was pretty arrogant. Arrogant in the fact that I never ceased the chances to explore. I was content with my little bubble of a world. Thinking all that's cool out there has already been seen and done. Truth is, I haven't seen shit yet.

  Adventure wasn't exactly my favourite word in the teenage years. That time was mostly spent drooling and droning in front of a computer screen cultivating a world that doesn't exist. Frankly, I was a sad-bag of a kid. And I wonder still what awesome things I could have done with myself and all that time. Then again, I wouldn't BE me if it weren't for all that time wasted. I guess you never really know how to appreciate time until you've wasted a lot of it. Better late than never, huh?

  Ever since I've had the priviledge of embarking to Germany for my exchange programme, I can honestly say, that part of me has changed though. Ever since I've stepped foot off that plane, everything changed. I was flung to the far end. The language was different. The weather was different. Heck, even the way people ate bread was different here. Bread is an art here. Everything so new, so novel. Everything's like a new page in a book that I've never even seen before.

  Damn right it was scary at first. Terrifying, in fact. You'd probably shit your pants too if you're sent halfway across the world to a country whose language you couldn't speak. I had to approach everything with caution, even the simplest things like leaving a window open can get yourself a free verbal ass-whopping here. Not that I understood a word of it anyways when I first came. But then again, the constant fear was what made it so exciting. The novelty made me feel like a genuine 5 year old again.  

  I find myself doing things I never did back home. Sometimes, I'd just take a train down into town, find a nice shady bench and just watch people walk by. All different 7 billion of us, each one with a story to tell, each one of us special in our own quirky way. Not to mention the places I've come to see and love as well. Another town, another street, another story. The grafitti, the engravings, the tiles. Everything so novel. People and places, what other reason do I need to get off my computer?

  And the best part of it is, I still have SO much to see. I've only been to this one country, after all. Think of all the other countries and cities I have yet to see, the other people I hve yet to meet, the others unknowns I have yet to explore. True, sometimes I wish I was back home, furthering my studies like everyone else. But then I think, there's gonna be a good 40 years for me to do that. I think I can spare this one year. This one year to see a bit of this world.



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