Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The climb.

  Right foot up. Halt. Left arm outwards. Index and middle finger into that small depression. Pray. Don't look down. Hold on tight, for dear life. There's a time in every man's life where he finds himself asking ' What the hell did I get myself into? ' And as I kept repeating that statement over and over again in my head, I held on tight to that cliff. So tight that my fingers chaffed and my toes swelled with what looks like it'll turn into blisters afterwards.

  Couple of days earlier, I recieved an innoncent-looking invitation to go climbing. A Sunday get-away to the Saxonian mountains where all you could see or hear was Mother Nature herself. Fresh air. Hiking. Sunshine. Not to mention the prospect of doing something novel to me. Why not? Impulsively, I jumped at the chance and promptly confirmed my enthusiasm for the idea. Next thing ya know, I'm slumped in an empty bus, trodding towards the mountains.

  So here I am. Roughly 30 meters off the ground, plastered to the face of a sheer drop. I couldn't help myself as my breathing got heavier and heavier. The cold numbed my fingers and made it even harder to get a good hold on the harsh rocks. In spite of the safety line securely fastened around my waist I was still having a hard time not shitting my pants all t
ogether. Stealing a glance backwards, I saw my others comaradies all the way down there. Ants would look bigger.

  Sitting pretty on top of this monstrosity of a mountain was Sabine, half-amused at how scared I looked and half-worried I might actually just slip and tear my spine in half, living my life paralyzed waist down. She was leaning over the edge, yelling instructions as to where to put my limbs and how to pull myself upwards. The encouraging look on her face was the only thing holding my wits together at the time.

  With one last haul, I strained myself over the ledge and plopped myself on the plateau above. My breaths still heavy and damp with condensed mist. I didn't even care about the cold anymore, I was relieved. ' Enjoy the view. ' Sabine suggested. ' It's the best part.' And I did, with my palms facing backwards, I leaned onto them and took in the view. Trees and sunshine streaked the horizon, stretching far off my vision. Like poetry. Just as I was about to get comfy, she said ' Come on, it's a long way back down. '

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