Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Angry sunglasses

"She's angry again"

Was all that crossed my mind at that moment. I could tell from the tone in her voice and the absurdly heavy footsteps that she had something worrying her, another hard day at work. She's indefinitely infuriated, a dormant volcano brought back to life. A slight misstep is all it would take for an eruption, harsh and loud words spewing everywhere, like lava flowing profusely from a volcano. Unintentionally, I did what no rational person would do :

"I provoked her"

Instantly, I could picture the Roman citizens of Pompeii running for cover. " BOOOOOOooooooOOOOM!" and she was off! Word after spiteful word shot out like throwing knives, stabbing me in the emotional section of my brain. It hurts me to see her like this. Her thoughts and judgement clouded by all that emotional rage. Just like how a pair of sunglasses would darken your colorful vision. There would be no reasoning with her when she was like that. I swallowed my ego and held my tongue. What else could I do? Thankfully, even the stormiest of all storms pass, and things would go back to 'normal'.

Mom has always had issues with controlling her anger for as long as I could remember. Her anger was very much like a pressure tank, it had to be released from time to time, if not, she would crack. Don't get me wrong, Mom is calm and collective, and I know she'd do her best for her kids to be happy. But when that valve of hers opens, all rationality and understanding would vanish for the next 15 minutes. As if advertising for Subway :

"She'd have it her way" (gasp)

Without much credibility on the topic, it's hard to establish good advice on this subject. I'd easily get pissed over the silliest things as well. Just weeks ago, I pratically endangered the harmonious balance of my class just because a friend of mine playfully touched my face. I do apologize for overreacting, but this face is sensitive! So, it's safe to say that my tendency to lose my cool runs in the family. I should really learn how to tame this ravenous beast, and I hope you will too, Mom.

And now, I'll crawl away and hide up in my bedroom, fearfully awaiting my mother's eternal judgement.

Trust me, it won't take long.


Matthew 伟源 said...

You're not the only one~

Unknown said...

Don't worry man, parents are like that :p
Mom apologized afterwards

Amelia Donaldson said...

So you actually made the explosion as it runs in family excuse? Should note that temper is controlled by human. And don't blame inheritance when you lose of gripe of temper.

No offence though, i enjoy reading it. It's vein stimulating!

It's Amelia if the anonymous does bother. :)

Unknown said...

Haha, just saving my credibility a bit there.
Admittedly, I do have a temper problem and I do my best to control it.
Nah, I'm not blaming it on my mom, she's sweet :p