But now, we treat one another with a slight sense of caution and weariness when talking to each other. Unsure whether to tell the other party of the problems and worries faced, in fear that they may somehow use it against you for their own gain. We hardly spend time together anymore, and when we do, it usually ends up like an awkward social situation just like how sitcom's present them. The warmness and sense of belonging that once filled this group of friends is now gone, replaced with a cold and harsh sense of bitterness.
I guess we only have ourselves to blame.
It was like watching a line of falling dominoes, where the irrational and faulty acts seemed to effect others, and the line of stories seemed to grow as they spread around, growing from a pebble of a problem to the mountain that it is today. A mountain that stands in the way of our friendship. A mountain of which, I stare at the face of everyday and hope that it wasn't there, begged that the people who set it up, never did. For I long the days where our friendships flourished, where we trusted one another, where we shared all of our problems, good or bad, where we talked about the silliest things.
Where we were family.
Now, I hate pointing pudgy fingers all over the place as to who caused what. But I do hope that you're smart enough to realise what you've done and what you're doing right now. If this mountain continues to pile on in height and width, I'm afraid I'll lose everything that I held so close and dear to me. Let sleeping dogs lie, they say. Much easier said than done. But if you don't, that mongrel of a problem with definitely keep biting you in the wrong way.
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