Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Little boys, like I used to be.

There it was again, that incessant scratching on my door. I peeled my eyes open from my slumber, twisting around and rubbing my back against my comfortable bed. " It's too early for this. " I mumbled. Now they were fumbling the door lock, turning it left and right, making a harsh sound of metal against metal. " Ugh..... " I thought. " Not again." And so it went on, from scritchy scratches to more lock fumbling and door banging, I finally decided not to sleep anymore.

I yelled, and they ran downstairs, laughing.

And so was the situation for the past 3 days, waking me up early in the morning, stealing my precious Vitagens, nagging me to unlock the computer, turning off the shower heater in the middle of my bath, and countless other devilish misdeeds. My cousins were nothing short of spawns from the depths of annoying hell. Wherever I turned or whatever I did, they were never far behind, fidgeting and pestering me for requests that I never even knew existed. They even scared the shit out of me by grabbing at my feet and making loud monster noises when I was off guard. Damned childhood fears.

I've been trying to take up reading, quietly retreating into a comfortable bed with a good book tucked between my fingers, but I've been having none of these few days. Yesterday, the moment I laid down on Mother's comfortable bed, Yong, the younger of them both came in and showed me no mercy. He bounced up and down on the bed, rattling endless questions at me. Mocking me with his sarcasm and quick wits, telling me that reading is for nerds.

And as he walked out, I sighed with exasperation. Mother say the look on my face and said with a comforting tone:

"You used to be just like that, you know?" and she left the room.

Pondering with what my mother just said indecisively, I came to a conclusion. She was right. If my cousins were spawns from hell, I'd definitely make a good candidate for Overlord when I was younger. At that, I softened towards their childish acts. Even more surprisingly, I laughed at their jokes and pranks while playing along with them. It astonished me how differently I thought of them when I looked at it from another angle. The angle of a playful, childish, care-free boy, just like I used to be.

Oh, what I'd give to be like that again. I'd trade all the Vitagen.


Amelia Donaldson said...

Oh perfect, i have three spawns from the same hell too!
Great perception. Just be tender to them. Play along! :P
PS: The crime of Vitagen clearing is illegitimate.

Unknown said...

Haha, mom says I used to be a whole lot worse. I don't have any memory of being that way though ;p
Yea I know, too bad they've gone back now. Just 3 days :D