Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Running up and down my empty house, I started to list down the things I'd need to bring. " Clothes, towels, soap, tissue paper, Dad's super-awesome jacket...." Such was the situation for an hour today, me frantically rummaging through the drawers for clothes, folding them into cute little sushi rolls and stuffing them into my rugsack only to see them magically unroll themselves. Sorcery at it's best I tell you.

It's a mix of excitement and dread, it is. Excitement because I've never done this before and this is probably the longest time I'll spend away from home, and such suspense really spices everything up. Dread in a sense that I'll be leaving the comforting comfort of my home, hot shower, my eager dog, my comfortable bed and of course, my lovely parents and grandma that spoil me o' so much.

Two weeks seem like a long time to be spending away from home. Two WHOLE weeks up there in the mountains where the air is paper thin, and the water supply is freezing cold. It sends chilly shivers down my spine just thinking about it. *BBBBrrrrrrr....* And to anyone who reads my blog regularly, rest assured, lots of stories will be told when I get back.

Now, I'm not someone who likes building suspense, but when I do...

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