Thursday, January 19, 2012

Losing part of the team.

Plunking down my Biology textbooks, I lazily pulled up a lab chair and sat myself down. While waiting for my other classmates to arrive, I flipped open some of my notes and tried to make sense of the human circulatory system in all it's complicated splendour. After what felt like 2 minutes, I was given a light tap on my shoulder. Usually, my pals would just shove or slap me in the back as a sign of greeting, so I knew this was someone else. It was Samantha, with a casual jerk of her thumb, she said :

"Hey, did you know that Adeline's crying?"
"Where?!" I snapped.
"At the pejabat, I guess."

Without another word, I immediately stormed out of the class in a hurried walk, my arms flinging up and down like a robot as I went. Mr. Lxx, our discipline teacher asked me where she was before, it didn't take a genius to piece the situation before me. In my hurried stride to the school's office, I tried to piece together the possibilities. Right past the canteen, I spotted LY, one of our fellow prefects, and decided to ask her if she knew what's happening. She knew.

Worried for our fellow comrade, both of us headed in the office to see if there was anything we could do for her. Once there, I immediately cast my gaze at Mr. Lxx's room, it was locked. Knowing there was nothing much to do for now, I decided to listen to LY as she explained what happened to our dear friend. It was one hard pill to swallow, if I wasn't standing right there in front of the office, staring at Mr.Lok's locked front door, I wouldn't believe it myself.

Dear Adeline,
Do you remember the second day of our training camp last year? Yes, that camp where I cried myself silly. It was that activity where Hafiz placed those stack of papers in the middle of room and we failed horribly and I was punished. While I was down there, doing those push-up's for you guys, I could make out the faces of the others. Some of them were laughing, amusing themselves as my tears and sweat dripped freely on the ground from all those push-ups and Hafiz's horrendous yelling.

My emotions reached the breaking point that day, I was ashamed for crying in front of many of people, I literally lost all my pride. Most people made fun of it in their hearts, the sight of me crying wasn't one you'd see everyday. Honestly, I'd laugh at a 16-year old crying like a baby too. But there was this sole girl that cried for us, for me and Deanna, who sacrificed for the whole team. Then and there, I realized that my efforts didn't go to waste, that at least, all those push-up's got to somebody. It was you.

Dear Adeline,
No words could possibly describe what sort of feelings you went through that day. I wish I could tell you that I knew you felt, but no, I doubt anyone could take an emotional hit like that and still walk with pride and glory the way you did. To have 4 years of hardwork and effort all go down the drain all because of a slight slip of the tongue, a slight slip that led you falling off that tower you've built for the past 4 years with all your brain juices and sweat.

Such strength that you have is what makes me baffled, even after a hit like that, you were still able to laugh and joke about what you did, like everything was alright, even when you knew they weren't. Telling it calmly and smoothly, narrating to your friends about what happened in a manner that I could never pull off. If I were you at that moment, I'd break down and cry like I've lost my genitals.

Dear Adeline,
I believe I speak for most of the team when I say we will miss your presence dearly. You were that jug of iced water that kept everything cool when crisis was at stake, coming up with rational solutions when we needed it most. You were the voice that sounded out what the rest of the team was afraid to say, and that itself, steered our team clear of bigger problems, even if you had to take a hit yourself.

I will miss you Adeline ( as a Prefect, jangan salah faham arh! xD ). I will miss that sense of security knowing that you'll handle a block properly, even though it's filled with the most stubborn of students. I will miss that voice who speaks words of truth, even if none of us wanted to hear it. And most importantly, I will miss that ONE prefect who danced with me when jivvy indian music played in the background.

And so here I stand, in salute! No fret though, the death of one comrade could possibly mean a new beginning for both parties. Until then, cheers!


Oliver Leonard said...

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Unknown said...

Haha, Thanks Oliver!