Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lose your beauty and see.

   "Here you go" said the cashier cheerily, while smiling at the customer in front of me. The customer looks to be in her mid 20's, long-haired, pretty and the fun-loving type. She took the change from him and turned away giggling. The cashier was still oogling at her while she and her friends walked away. The second I stepped up to place my order, he immediately made a transition. He went from being all cheery and smiling to the bitter man that he usually is. He took my order in a way that it felt like he wanted me out of there so that he could take an order from someone prettier.
   Needless to say, being visually pleasing is an invaluable asset in the society of today. People talk to you sweeter. You get treated differently. Often, you'd get the upper hand over others if you have the gift of the looks. Sad to say, even I do this sometimes, I treat someone differently based purely on how good or how bad they look. What's worse, I often don't realize it until it's way too late. So, what is it about someone's beauty that causes us to act like this. An ever more pressing question is what is beauty? Who is it that defines what's beautiful and what's not?

   Beauty has always worked against me for as long as I knew. I've always watched others get the upper hand in terms of social well-being and self-esteem. My self-esteem was impaired tremendously when I was struck with a severe case of acne ( I've learned to accept it now ) Because of this, I was able to witness this phenomena from the sidelines, how people tend to gravitate towards beauty. To be honest, I often catch myself doing this too, though it's not a very good habit to cultivate. It's the classic example of the cliche phrase :" Don't judge a book by it's cover."

   If you still it hard to believe what I'm saying,and have some vague steadfast opinion that humans are just too good-natured, just stop and take a good look around. The cosmetic industry has never been this upbeat, where millions and millions of dollars are spent each day on cosmetic products and surgery. Even the media is dominated by this habit, where every photo, every video and every interview is inhabited by pretty people. It probably doesn't matter how good a speaker or a presenter you are, if you don't got the looks, you'll be ruled out soon enough.

   Thankfully, beauty isn't only limited to the human race. Everything around us can incorporate the value of beauty if we take the time to appreciate it, because what's beauty without an observer? The beauty of nature, the beauty of memories, the beauty of music, the beauty of food, the beauty of a moment... All of this is a valid example for beauty, and luckily, they can't be judged or differentiated by anybody. I highly doubt that anyone can ever define what true beauty is, and if someone does, he'd probably turn it into a business. That's how we are. 



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