Friday, June 15, 2012

Talk about winning.

   I tossed and turned in my bed, sweat pouring down my back, even though it was well under 18 degrees in my air-conditioned room. Sleep was the last thing on my bed at that moment. My body felt exhausted, but thoughts were swirling around like sharks in my head. I hated this anticipation, I hated the doubt, it feels like a colony of ants feasting away at my brain. I know we've been training hard, but my mind just couldn't put it to rest. " What if someone messes up?", "What if the judges spot that small mistake?", "What if we lose?" sang my mind throughout the night.

  The next morning, we were all at the stadium sitting down on the track, awaiting for the announcement that would set us all in motion. All of us were in our full uniforms, ready to get the job done, ready to march our hearts out and ready to win. Even though we were shouting confidently and making jokes, I could still feel that wave of doubt rippling throughout the team. It didn't matter how confident we were, there was always that chance that we'd mess up, that small chance that we'd lose be sent home packing. I'd hate to think about what happens to us after that.

  Before I knew it, we were marching our way down the stadium track, the obnoxiously loud music constantly drowning away our timings and commands. This is it, time to channel all those weeks of training and sweat into this one shot. This one routine that would decide whether go home with pride or with our tails between our legs. I kind of expected the real thing to be long, gruelling, sweaty, just like our training. But no, it was over just as soon as it began. After that, we had to await for our verdict.

  Thankfully, I had a running event to keep my mind off the results of our marching. I warmed up, I stretched, I drank water, anything just to keep my blasted brain from thinking too much about the outcome. But alas, the time had to come when we would all find out who the winner is. Right after my event, was the prize giving ceremony, and I watched as members of my troop marched out onto the field, all with that look of anticipation on their faces.
   Turns out, I am too much of a worry wort for my own good. As the teacher announced the winner of the marching competition, my heart leapt with joy. As I watched from the sidelines, I could see the same expression from my fellow scouts, they were happy and relieved, ready to celebrate our victory. And celebrate we did. Needless to say, I was happy and proud. I've never been much of a winner, but today I felt like one, a big fat sloppy winner!



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