Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Their nasty things they are, evading and dodging those who hunger for the truth, those whose curiosity remain insatiable like a teenagers appetite for fast food. Secrets are many things. They could be actions that happened, but words of which, were unheard of... Tucked away into the memory reservoirs of those who would rather keep it that way, those who wouldn't want nosy people like me finding them out. Then again secrets may be a matter of survival, where animals camouflage themselves and keep their location a secrecy to prevent the event of being ingested.

Humans, like animals, tend to keep secrets as well. Though I presume that our motives are much different than that of being eaten. We manipulate and bend these secrets so that others don't trespass on the brink of our confidentiality, exposing ourselves for who we really are and potentially ruining the squeaky-clean image most of us try so very hard to groom. Us Humans tend to be a bunch of curios creatures ourselves, where questions left unanswered seem to be able to find it's way to the back of our minds, nagging away.

It's very hard to come to a conclusion as to whether keeping secrets is a good thing or not. Governments tend to hide the truth by covering up controversial stories and controlling the filters of mass media. When they know the truth of a matter has the potential to run their image to the ground, they abuse their authority to keep themselves in power. This, in terms of sort, is brain-washing. And I like my brain dirty. Dirty in a sense where it braces the dirty truth rather than a clean, washed up lie.

Then again, what would society be without secrets?

In a post-modern world like this, keeping secrets seems to be the most effective way to hold everything together firmly in place. Just imagine if everyone had their true intentions displayed on a screen above their heads. Everybody's deepest, darkest secrets would be displayed for the world to see, for the world to shower their prejudice upon. Secrets also make up a big big part of suspense. And as they all say, suspense is the spice of life. Life would like a piece of blank paper if left without suspense.

A man who has everything figured out is bound to commit suicide.

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