Thursday, December 1, 2011

Boys on her fingers ( Part 1 )

There was something different about her, no, in fact, there were many things different about her. Things that caught my fancy, and inevitably, the fancy of other boys as well. The way she walked, poised with both grace and confidence.... No! Simply terming it walking would be a definite understatement! The way she talked, gentle, yet firm at the same time. I never thought such a melodious voice existed amongst us, it rang in my ears with an everlasting resonance.

"The voice of a siren" I mumbled.

Needless to say, I fell head over heels for her. She utterly and completely dominated my thoughts for that period of time. She was the first thought that materialized in my head when I woke up and the last thing I thought about before I drifted off into a sound slumber. We texted. With every message I received from her, it felt like a gift from the Heavens themselves, I treasured them like my life depended on it.

She made me feel special.

The cards and gifts that she sent me made my heart skip a beat. Her handwriting seemed so flawless, the letters and words seemed to curve and twist elegantly on the piece of color paper before my very eyes. And with each gift I received, I eagerly gave one in return, in hope of a new gift or note. I had to keep the momentum going, for her givings made me feel like never before, they made me feel wanted and important. Like I was someone amongst the 7 billion who populate the face of this Earth.

As the messages and gifts piled high, I pondered as to whether I should be get intimate with her. I consoled some close friends of mine, and they all encouraged me, pushing me along, trying to get me to make the first move. But somehow, right before I could muster up the courage to do so, I stopped, dead in my tracks. Something didn't feel right, a constant, nagging thought at the back of my mind kept ringing.

It was as if my mind tightened that leash around my heart before it could make the next move. As my heart struggled and thrashed against the pull of my logic, he yelled and demanded for an explanation. Demanded an explanation as to why I couldn't make this act of intimacy. At that very moment, it dawned upon me, all the pieces that were scattered in my memory. Logic said :

" She's too good to be true."

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