Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Watching those birds.

    " You were watching birds weren't you?" my mom said teasingly. I wanted to deny her and save my face, but as my mouth opened to protest against her words, I paused and thought about it. She's right, I was watching those birds pretty carefully. Me and my friend, Ian, were sitting in Starbucks, for a good 2 hours, constantly pinging each other for beautiful birds that would pass by occasionally.Even though I was trying to busy myself by writing an essay, I just couldn't help myself from being distracted. And so, I turned and walked away from my mom, grinning at myself. I knew that I would lose the conversation hands down.
   For all you innocent readers out there who haven't figured it out, it isn't feathered, winged mammals that I'm watching, but something much closer to home, girls namely. I hate to admit it, but I seem to do it all the time. When I'm doing my homework, walking down the street, even when I'm talking to other girls. It was as if every time a female comes into view I'd do a quick full-body scan. It doesn't take long, maybe half a second or so, and then I'd make judgements based on what I saw. I was surprised that I'd make judgements so quickly, even without knowing the full facts. 

    A week after, here I am again, in Starbucks, enjoying a steaming hot cup of Cappucino (I'm sorry mom, but I couldn't help myself) and brain-storming over that conversation I had with my mom a week go. Even now, as I concentrate hard in creating words on this page, I still can't help myself from pulling my head up and admiring the occasional bird that passes by. It's like a sixth sense of mine, like my peripheral vision just manages to pick up a admirable bird and fire off alarms all over in my brain. 

   Now, before you ladies withdraw your heads back in disgust and call me a pervert of the worst sort, please, allow me to clear my name. I'm not the only guy that does this ( damn near every fella does it )  and I am definitely not a pervert of that sort. I don't look at a beautiful bird and dive straight in to try and catch it with nets and cages, at least I'd like to think I'm not. But I am curious as to why I unconsciously stare at girls sometimes, or as we guys call it "checking out the goods". It feels like I'm biologically programmed to do this, like it's ingrained into my male DNA. And so, I did some digging.   

   Turns out, there is a completely valid biological reason behind why I do this. And there's even a  field of science dedicated to it:http://www.oprah.com/relationships/The-Science-of-Sex-Appeal. Even things like smell, face shape and voice pitch play a vital role to why we all do this ( don't deny it girls, you check out the guys too ). After doing some reading on the subject, I definitely feel a lot better knowing that it's completely natural. Now, I'll be off, admiring more of the voluptuous birds as I go.


1 comment:

Lam said...

Checking out the goods . ~