I believe I speak for everyone when I say "It's 2012 already"? Why do I feel that time is moving faster and faster as I grow older? It's as if the essence of time itself is seeping right through my very fingers, never to return, never to be relived, never to felt again. All the more reason I should live everyday to my fullest! In fact, it's all the more why we should all live our lives to the fullest, instead of fussing over the things that never matter, things that get us all tensed up. Life's too short for that.
After reading a few pages of "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor, I realized something. I've much more to learn, and that I should never stop learning. Shawn's book tells us about his revolutionary study that goes against the society's mindset, especially us Asians. We all believe that after we achieve success, then, and only then, would we achieve happiness right? I mean, who wouldn't be happy when they have tons of cash and fame right?

Well, it seems that our dear friend Shawn has proved that it works the other way around. That successful people aren't always happy and that those among us who are happy tend to succeed more. A brain teaser, wouldn't you say? It goes against everything that society has brought us up to believe. Then again, since it's the new year, maybe it's time to inculcate the change we've all sought after all this while.
Maybe it's time to change.
Anyways, I hope this year new year, brings more adventure for everyone.
Happy new year :D